Note: This calculation is based on multiple factors including genetics, current height, age, gender, and country. However, many other factors can influence final adult height, and this prediction should be considered an estimate.

Height Calculator

Calculate your child's future adult height using scientific linear regression methods. Get accurate predictions based on genetic and growth factors.

About Height Calculator

The Height Calculator is an online tool designed to predict a child's future height based on various factors, primarily the parents' height, the child's height, and age. The calculator uses methods such as linear regression analysis and takes into account the genetic influence of the parents to estimate how tall a child is likely to be as an adult.

How does the Height Calculator work

  • 1.Input the heights of both the father and mother, along with the child's current height and age. Then, select the child's gender and country.
  • 2.Click the Calculate button. Our Height Calculator will utilize scientific linear regression methods to estimate and predict the child's future height.
  • 3.Once the calculation is complete, you can copy the predicted adult height and use or share it wherever you wish.

Our Height Calculator supports two input and output modes: you can enter the height in Centimeters or Feet & Inches, and then our Height Calculator will calculate the height in Centimeters or Feet & Inches,